Springtime Tips
Spring has finally sprung and with it the young buds of May. If we are lucky, those buds won’t get hit with another batch of snow (we are keeping our fingers crossed). Earlier today I was told that it is a gardener’s mantra to not plant seeds until Memorial Day... Really?
And so as we look forward to sunnier days, it seems like a good idea to remind our friends and customers about a few spring tips to keep the home heating system in good shape and ready for next winter. Before we know it the season will change again, and when we crank up the thermostat it would be good to have everything in proper running order. Don’t worry, I have a few summertime related thoughts, too.
- Wrap up the Winter Season by having your heating system serviced and cleaned. While our service crews maintain full schedules, the emergency calls are minimal this time of year and that frees up a lot of time (and reduces wait time) in our scheduling. You can get a service cleaning call at a time that is convenient for you - and that sure beats having to deal with an unexpected emergency service call in the middle of the workday or middle of the night next January!
- While we are on the subject of heating for next winter season, you should think about setting up a Budget Plan with us (if you don’t have one already). A Budget Plan spreads your heating fuel costs out over the course of the year and can also be set up with our AutoPay feature so you don’t have to write checks.
- Okay, now moving on, let’s talk about summer grilling! If you have an outdoor propane grill you should take a moment to check all the fittings and hardware on your grill. Check out our link for Safe Grilling Tips
Also, don’t take your grill for granted by leaving it all greasy - Clean it! Here is another link to a resource that might be of help to you. See Southern Living.
This maintenance guide from Lowes will teach you everything you need to know about Flame Tamers and so much more!
Speaking of grills, our resident expert grilling man is Mike, who, when he’s not treating us all to one of his delicious burgers and hot dogs, is regularly dispatching our fuel oil delivery trucks all over northwestern Vermont. We asked him to share one of his secrets to successful grilling. He was a bit reluctant at first but did come through with this bit of advice: If you want to bring a bit more zest to grilling meats (as well as some fish) then the quickest and easiest way to do it is to add a sprinkling of Old Bay. It comes in a few flavors and can be found in most any grocery store. The stuff has been around for decades but so many of us had never heard of it. Try it- Mike thinks you’ll like it!
- Also, don’t forget that you can bring your propane tank to our offices located on the River Road in Richmond for a fill up. Our fill location is easy to access and you can drive right up to it- it beats lugging a full tank 50 feet or more after filling it up!
- Do you have a camper or RV with propane tanks? Don’t forget those either! Pull in at your convenience anytime during business hours (til 4:30 pm) and we’ll be happy to help!
That about does it for now. Like you, we are itching to get outside and pursue a whole variety of warm weather leisure activities. Enjoy your spring!
From all of us here at Patterson Fuels!
Jason Harvey